CLIVIA was taken to a massive dog pound in Orense, Galicia, in the north of Spain.
She arrived with her 4 puppies, which were quickly adopted, but she was left behind, all alone and missing her pups. No one noticed her and she started to have a a depression.
We organised a transport and was taken to our neighbours home, where she is living now as a foster dog.
At the beginning it was very hard for her. She felt lost and disoriented, but she has slowly gained confidence and is starting to enjoy life. She’s still timid and does not trust unknown people.
She lives with other dogs and a cat, which she totally ignores. She’s great at walking on the leash and is house-clean.
CLIVIA could be an only-dog, but she needs a family that has experience with shy animals, who will have patience and give her endless amounts of love. She needs a garden and it would be ideal if the family could have a confident dog who could give CLIVIA the confidence she needs.
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Geschlecht: Rüde
Länge: cm
Höhe: cm
Gewicht: kg
Verträgt sich mit Kindern:
Verträgt sich mit Katzen:
Verträgt sich mit anderen Hunden: