ERIK was found in the middle of a dirt track by our friend Rocío. He was totally disoriented and in an extreme state of malnutrition and dehydration. He was extremely cold and couldn’t stop shivering. He had a thin rope tied to its neck. Our friend Sara fostered him. Witout their help, ERIK would now be dead.
ERIK is a young male with many wounds all around his body. Thankfully he eats very well and will recover soon.
ERIK is not traumatized and gets on well with other dogs and also with children. He has a stable personality and knows what he wants.
He’s very affectionate and obedient and has a beautiful semi-long fur.
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Geschlecht: Rüde
Länge: cm
Höhe: cm
Gewicht: kg
Verträgt sich mit Kindern:
Verträgt sich mit Katzen:
Verträgt sich mit anderen Hunden: