Twiggy - Galgo Freedom


TWIGGY belonged to a hunter. The neighbour knew what life she would have and because the hunter owed her a favour she asked him for TWIGGY.  The lady saved her but needed to find a safe place for her. We couldn’t take her in as our home in not “puppy safe”, due to the pool, the large dogs wanted to play with her in a very rough way and the high steps that surround the house.

TWIGGY is a 3 month old up. She’s very bright and a quick-learner. Very obedient when she hears whisteling and has quickly learned to deal with the big galgos.

She loves to be with people and other dogs and always wants to play, with whatever she can find.


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Unterstütze Twiggy


Geschlecht: Rüde


Länge: cm

Höhe: cm

Gewicht: kg

Verträgt sich mit Kindern:

Verträgt sich mit Katzen:

Verträgt sich mit anderen Hunden: