Ronnie - Galgo Freedom


RONNIE was found in the middle of a motorway. My friend stoped the car and tried to rescue him, but he was too scared. She decided to go home and come back with some food to try to catch him. He was not there anymore. As she drove back with tears in her eyes, she saw RONNIE at the entrance of the village.

She stopped and gave him food trying to gain his confidence. She could see he was young and wanted to trust her, so after half an hour she had managed to put a lead around his neck and put him quickly in her car. At her home he behaved extremely well and loved the company of her dogs. He also enjoyed their human company and adapted quickly to their routine.


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Unterstütze Ronnie


Geschlecht: Rüde


Länge: cm

Höhe: cm

Gewicht: kg

Verträgt sich mit Kindern:

Verträgt sich mit Katzen:

Verträgt sich mit anderen Hunden: